From Rebekah Prette
A quick video describing how to search using Single Search, the main search tool of the Camosun Library. -
From Patricia Scott
Embark on a journey to an uninhabited island nestled in the province of Noord-Holland, where sisters Shanna (11) and Mirte (14) delve into a world of adventure. However,… -
From Patricia Scott
Lou Je M’Apelle Lou is about a young boy, Lou, with SOD Syndrome (a developmental disability that includes blindness and hormonal insufficiency), who has an… -
From Patricia Scott
Noëll “Little Fire” (11), has autism, and isn’t the easiest person to connect with others. Finding it difficult to fit in, Noëll is assigned… -
From Patricia Scott
“Heartbreak & Beauty” is an award-winning short, experimental film depicting 12 different perspectives on universal, human emotions – all revolving… -
From Patricia Scott
“This is my brother Drona,” 12-year-old Arjun tells us in voice-over. Drona, who’s nine, is crazy about buses and knows the entire Amsterdam bus… -
From Patricia Scott
Ella and Eavan, both age 6, are identical twins. They were born only three minutes apart, yet are separated by a large distinction: Ella has Down syndrome while Eavan… -
From Alexandrea Flynn
| 850 | 0Maker of Monsters gives an intimate look into the life of one of Canada’s greatest artists. The late Beau Dick was a Kwakwaka’wakw carver from Alert Bay, a… -
From Alexandrea Flynn
How to locate and log into Kanopy films that Instructors have assigned to Camosun students. -
From Alexandrea Flynn
Walk through of how to add Camosun Library Links to Google scholar to help you discover articles you have immediate access to. -
From Alexandrea Flynn
| 154 | 0The film is a dual protagonist, character-driven story in which two women are on a path towards having a child together through the fertility treatment process. The… -
Audio Cine Films (ACF) streaming
02:46duration 2 minutes 46 seconds
Audio Cine Films (ACF) streaming
From Robbyn Lanning
| 133 133 playsA brief presentation outlining how to access the Audio Cine Film collection. Running time: 2 minutes, 43 seconds. -
From Alexandrea Flynn
| 241 | 0Camosun Library purchased Season one of the acclaimed series from Knowledge Network for the benefit of Camosun faculty and students in Nursing and HHS. This series is… -
From Alexandrea Flynn
Information about library resources, specifically services provided by Librarians.